1. Decheng An, Jiangjing Wang, Jie Zhang, Xin Zhai, Zepeng Kang, Wenhao Fan, Jian Yan, Yequn Liu, Lu Lu, Chun-Lin Jia, Matthias Wuttig, Oana Cojocaru-Mire’din, Shaoping Chen, Wenxian Wang, G. Jeffrey Snyder , Yuan Yu. Retarding Ostwald ripening through Gibbs adsorption and interfacial complexions leads to high-performance SnTe thermoelectric. Energy & Environmental Science. ID: EE-ART-06-2021-001977 (IF=33.85)
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3. Yabo Xu, Zemei Liu, Xiaozhen Wei, Jinmeng,Wu, Jingyun Guo, Bo Zhao, Hua Wang, Shaoping Chen, Yinke Dou. Morphological modulation to improve thermoelectric performances of PEDOT:PSS films by DMSO vapor post-treatment. Synthetic Metals. (2021)271: 116628
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6. Shaoping Chen*, Yanzuo Chen, Saneyuki Ohno, Libin Xu, Wenhao Fan, Lin Xue, Marhoun Ferhat, and Yucheng Wu. Enhancing Interfacial Properties of Mg2Si-based Thermoelectric Joint with Mg2SiNi3 Compound as Electrodes. Phys. Status Solidi A (2020) 55:8642–8650
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9. Decheng An, Shaoping Chen*,Xin Zhai, Yuan Yu, Wenhao Fan,
10. Tingting Zhang,Yequn Liu, Yucheng Wu, Wenxian Wang*, and G. Jeffrey Snyder *. High-Performance p-Type Elemental Te Thermoelectric Materials Enabled by Synergy of Carrier Tuning and Phonon Engineering. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, DOI: 10-1039/D0TA04830E.2020(8):12156-12168
11. Qiang Zhang; Jichong Hou, Jianfeng Fan, Shaoping Chen, Wenhao Fan, Hua Zhang, Wenxian Wang, Yucheng Wu, Bingshe Xu. Charge compensation weakening ionized impurity scattering and assessing the minority carrier contribution to the Seebeck coefficient in Pb-doped Mg3Sb2 compounds. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 22(13):7012-7020
12. Shaoping Chen*, Libin Xu, Rong Li , Wenhao Fan, Yanzuo Chen, Decheng An, Wenxian Wang, Yucheng Wu. Synergetic effect of interface barrier and doping on the thermoelectric transport properties of tellurium. J.Materials Science. 55(20):8642-8650
13. Qiang Zhang, Jianfeng Fan, Wenhao Fan, , Hua Zhang, Shaoping Chen, Yucheng Wu, Xinfeng Tang, Bingshe Xu . Energy-Efficient Synthesis and Superior Thermoelectric Performance of Sb-doped Mg2Si0-3Sn0-7 Solid Solutions by Rapid Thermal Explosion. Materials Research Bulletin. 128:110885
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1. 全国材料大会,2019.7.10-7.13,中国成都
2. 第36届国际热电会议,2019.6.30-7.3,韩国庆州
3. 第十次中国热电材料及应用学术会议,2018.5.6-5.10,中国杭州
4. 第十六届全国青年材料科学技术研讨会,2017.10.13-10.16,中国天津
5. 第35届国际热电会议, 2016.5.29-5.31,中国武汉
6. ICT, 2016.5.29-5.31,中国武汉
7. ICC-5,2014.8.17-8.21,中国北京
8. PCM Global Conference On Polymer And Composite Materials,2014,中国宁波
9. AMRA,(Advance Materials Research and Application),2014,中国海南
10. 2014中国材料大会(热电分会),2014,中国成都
11. 第六届中国热电材料及应用学术会议,2014,中国南昌
12. ICT 2013 International Conference of Thermoelectrics,2013,日本大阪
13. IUMRS-ICAM2013(热电分会),2013,中国青岛
14. 中国材料大会(热电分会),2012,中国太原
15. MRS,2011,美国旧金山
16. ICT,2011,美国密歇根州